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Oil and Gas Technology Consultants

Carbon Lifecycle Technology Consulting (CLTech) was founded and is still operated primarily by geotechnical professionals who have spent, in some cases, more than 30 years applying science and technology to the business of safely, responsibly and efficiently producing hydrocarbons from the Earth's subsurface.

As we crossed the threshold from the 20th to the 21st century, many of us recognized that having spent the first half of our professional careers enabling the growth of a global energy economy based primarily on economical access to these high-density energy products, we now had a moral obligation and recognized the holistic synergy of spending the second halves of those careers applying the same science and technology to offsetting some of the scientifically undeniable anthropomorphic impacts of that same economy. This led to the CLTech philosophy and vision of applying best practices and lessons learned from the oil and gas industry to the science and business of carbon capture and storage.

Additionally, CLTech lives by these principles by investing a portion of proceeds from consulting operations to the education of the public on the scientific basis for discussion of carbon lifecycle issues. This is done primarily through support of K-12 education programs and public policy dialogues sponsored by scientific organizations such as the American Geophysical Union, and the Geological Society of London.

In addition to our engagements with oil and gas producers around the world, CLTech consultants are now providing impartial and field-verified scientific measurements supporting evaluation of suitable subsurface reservoirs for carbon storage in several countries with emerging carbon financial regimes.

Carbon Lifecycle Technology Consulting (CLTC) combines the broadest expertise and most in-depth knowledge of data management to offer an array of standardized and custom services to the oil and gas and carbon sequestration industries. CLTC training and workshops empower your staff to meet their objectives now and into the future.
CLTC consultants are registered, certified and licensed professionals with high visibility and decades of experience in global implementations. With backgrounds, alliances and partnerships across multiple software and service providers, we are in a unique position to craft the best solution for your data management challenges.
CLTC Services
Technology consulting for oil and gas and carbon sequestration projects
Project management services for oil and gas technology
Software consulting - evaluations, selection, configuration, and customization
Data management consulting
Training and facilitated workshops for oil and gas, data management, and project management
Mentoring, geosciences training, and customized geotechnical field trips for oil and gas professionals
Targeted site assessments to determine capability maturity levels and change trajectory strategies
Application and data consolidation services to support mergers and acquisitions
Customized technology watch and business intelligence services
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Professional Grade
Technology Consulting
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CLTC Background
CLTC Engagements
Read about the CLTC Vision
See the CLTC Code of Ethics
Let us assemble a team for you!
Licensed, registered, and certified experts.
 Geoscience ▪ Data ▪ Project Management
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